[ Eternal Saviors Time ] is the name of it. This song is about prayer. Prayer is so hard to do. Most people don’t realize how important it is. Time in prayer is time with GOD. The most valuable time of our lives.
FINALLY, My second song.
After two years and a lot of frustration, I finally released my second song. [Devil, Just leave this child of GOD alone]. Its available on iTunes , Apple Music , Spotify and many other platforms.
When I started all of this I was looking for info on how to market my music. I was watching videos, taking short courses and reading anything I could find about the subject. At my age [ early sixties ], I’m not going to just start a band, and play somewhere every weekend. So I had to find another way to get the music out there.
After a while it became clear to me that things aren’t like they use to be. With social media everything is more open and more personal. As for me, I just want to promote my songs and studio. People don’t want to see my ugly face and hear about somebody they don’t even know. But to my surprise, they do. When I say I’m going down a road I’ve never been on before, believe me, it’s true.
At the beginning, one of the courses asked the question “WHY”. Why do you want to do this? You know, I had to really think about that. Why do I want to do this? I believe I know why. My ‘WHY’ is because, its time for LANCE to change things.
Just like millions of people everywhere, you grow up with dreams and plans for your life and you end up working your life away to pay the banks back and take vacations when the job will let you. I’m not complaining, I have had good life, and I thank GOD for it. But like I said, its time for change. So I’m taking what I’ve learned so far, and putting it in to action. With my music, the studio, great friendships I’ve made with fellow musicians. I have something to build on and continue with into retirement in a couple of years. And thats my “WHY”. Enjoy my retirement from driving trucks every day, and to stay at home and play in the studio and spend a lot more time with my wife, kids and grandkids. WISH ME LUCK!!!!
Released My First Song
I finally broke through the fear and quit criticizing everything about the song and did it This was a big first step for me because it is the first song I ever wrote. So to put it out there to be heard and probably criticized by others was a hard thing to do.
It’s not just being the first song I wrote, but it was a song that I feel GOD gave me at a very low point and hard time that my family and I were going through.
In 1995 my mother was taken from us with breast cancer. I watched my father care for her for months and at the end, we gathered at my parents house for last time we would all be together. On Feb 25 bout 4 am she took her last breath. When you lose someone in your life, the pain can be unbearable. This is where I found peace and comfort to help me get through it.
The song is on itunes and Youtube so give it a listen and I hope it blesses you as much as it has me. [ That’s Why I Love You JESUS ].
FEB 24, 2020. The beginning of a whole new world for me. My first attempt to put in words what this is all about. So, I’ll be posting at different times about songs I’ve published or announcements I have to share. Just getting started to see where it takes me.